BDJ Tells Us to Dare. Believe. Become.

I was thankful to have another bonding moment with my fellow Belle de Jour Girls last Saturday, May 19, 2012 at Ace Water Spa, Pasig. The event was very enjoyable as various booths were present from the sponsors. Not only that, it was topped off my talks and workshops regarding fashion, career, and self-confidence by experts. Most of all, it was nice to see new and familiar faces in the Belle de Jour community.

BDJ Rendezvous 2012: Dare. Believe. Become.
Just as it is seen at the entrance. 
We were encouraged to explore the various booths before the talks started. There were CarbTrim, Athena, Flipsters, and Purebeauty kiosks. 

The CarbTrim booth was about free sampling and video testimonials.
Bellas try out Athena in Milk and Chocolate Flavor.
The event was kicked off by our lovely host, Jasmine Mendiola. 

Of course, any BDJ Rendezvous won't be complete without games and PREZZIES! (^_^) This is also a great way for Bellas to bond together and have a healthy competition. As Jasmine said it, Bellas are determined to win!
Bellas dress up their Athena Dolls.
The BDJ Team demonstrating how to do the game sponsored by Clarity.
I won a prize from answering the Wet n Wild True or False game. :)
Hephep Hooray game a la Fly Shades

The substance of BDJ events is about the ever-inspiring talks from the industry's best experts. The topics centered on fashion, career, and self-improvement. 

The first topic was about the 2012 Fashion Trends, presented by Ms. Cielo Fronteras, a jewelry designer, makeup artist, and model. She gave us examples of the clothes that are 'in' for the year; like mermaid-inspired flowing clothes, statement collars, snake skin, and 60's fashion. 

Ms. Cielo Fronteras starting the series of inspiring talks. 
Ms. Fronteras also gave demos on how to do the 'in' makeup for 2012: the Soft Coral Lips and Starry Eye.
Who knew that putting liquid foundation on the lips followed by a pink lipstick are all it takes for the Soft Coral Lips.
Ms. Fronteras showing us how to do the Starry Eye, which I unfortunately forgot. :(
The second topic was done by Ms. Ginny Gonzales, an instructor at John Robert Powers Manila. Truth be told, this part was my most anticipated one! I badly need to learn how to have a work-life balance. The key points were: Stop, Drop, and Roll! Stop and evaluate your tasks. Drop unimportant tasks (i.e. learn to say 'no'), and Roll in fun because life is a blessing.
Ms. Ginny Gonzales on Work-Life Balance.
Bellas listen well to the talk.
Pretty much sums up what I need. :)
Ms. Gonzales emphasizing on the most important thing to focus on.
Before the last talk, snacks were served thanks to Bizu Patisserie. And wow! Being a food lover, I had the best of everything on a plate! 

Since I was too busy indulging in the food, I didn't have the time to take pictures of the yummy food. But no worries, my friend Helen of had these beautiful pics:
Chicken Wings, Putanesca, Ham or Tuna Sandwich, and Fudge Brownies! Photo by  Helen Blas.
A closer look at the Fudge Brownies. Photo by Helen Blas.
And the best part! The Tower of French Macarons! Wowowowow! (^_^)
The Tower of French Macarons. Photo by Helen Blas.
After that most fulfilling treat, it was time to fill our minds with another inspiring talk from Ms. Sarah Ramos, an expert on consulting and training from the company Trainstation. She talked about the Ten Steps to Confidence. She captured the audience with her perky personality and expertise in training. Here are my top three lessons learned:
I am Valuable. Always see yourself and other people as a perfect Ten. :)
When you see yourself as a perfect ten, you start to act like a perfect ten too. :)
And of course! Ms. Ramos's instilled in our hearts to Be Amazing! 
After every segment of the talks is a round of raffle for us Bellas! This is the part where everybody gets excited and hopes to win her most desired prize! :) 
Ooh! Look at those lovely raffle prizes! 

I won this cute pair of earrings from Nothing but H2O.  :)
Plus, all of us were given loot bags after the event. It rained blessings on us that day, both material and spiritual. More prizes. More friends. More learning. More fun. As I remember last year's BDJ Rendezvous, it makes me all the more Proud to be a Bella.
My loot. :)


Jessica Viray saidā€¦
Thanks for leaving a comment in my blog, Angel! You have a nice BDJ entry! :) Good for you -- hearing all the talks and all.

Helen Blas saidā€¦
Nice meeting you, Mariel! See you again soon, hopefully in another BDJ event or any other event. :D
Angel Mariel saidā€¦
Thanks for the nice comments, Bellas! :) It means a lot to me. :)) See you soon! :)
Inah saidā€¦
hi fellow bella! this is good post. I wished i could have gone to the event too. belle de jour is just amazing.

hello again and good day!

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